1.Ke ZX, Huang HC, Chen DT, Tan YH. 2024. Trophic relationship between mussels and scale worms under various seepage intensities in the Haima cold seep: Insights from stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) and C:N:P stoichiometry. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 206, 104264.
2.Ke ZX, Li RF, Chen DT, Zhao CY, Tan YH. 2022. Spatial and seasonal variations in the stable isotope values and trophic positions of dominant zooplankton groups in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 900372.
3.Ke ZX, Li RF, Chen DT, Tan YH. 2022. Spatial distributions of zooplankton stable isotopes and their trophic positions in a bay under serious anthropogenic influences: Daya Bay, China. Ecological Indicators, 139, 108950.
4.Ke ZX, Li RF, Chen Y, Chen DT, Chen ZY, Lian XP, Tan YH. 2022. A preliminary study of macrofaunal communities and their carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in the Haima cold seeps, South China Sea. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 184, 103774.
5.Ke ZX, Chen DT, Liu JX, Tan YH. 2020. The effects of anthropogenic nutrient inputs on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in suspended particulate organic matter in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Continental Shelf Research, 208, 104244.
6.Ke ZX, Tan YH, Huang LM, Liu JX, Xiang CH, Zhao CY, Zhang JP. 2019. Significantly depleted 15N in suspended particulate organic matter indicating a strong influence of sewage loading in Daya Bay, China. Science of the Total Environment, 650: 759-768.
7.Ke ZX, Tan YH, Huang LM, Liu HJ, Liu JX, Jiang X, Wang JX. 2018. Spatial distribution patterns of phytoplankton biomass and primary productivity in six coral atolls in the central South China Sea. Coral Reefs, 37: 919-927.
8.Ke ZX, Tan YH, Huang LM, Liu JX, Liu HX. 2018. Community structure and biovolume size spectra of mesozooplankton in the Pearl River Estuary. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 21(1): 30-40.